Sunday, November 24, 2019


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LC† Praying for Creation
will take place from December 1st - 24th, 2019.

Many of us long to be able to spend some time in spiritual practice, but often have trouble doing so amid the many pressures and demands of our daily life. Advent is a time in the church when we anticipate the coming of Jesus’ birth, and long for the sense of renewal in the world that this particular birth promises. Join us this Advent as we seek to make space in an ever more challenging world to hear and feel God’s presence within us and around us.

Our Advent theme is “Praying for Creation”. Inspired by National Bishop Susan Johnson’s call to a year of prayer that began in September, we will take a look at prayer itself, its history and the many ways that human beings have — and continue to — praise, lament, seek, and petition God. We will be blessed by many beautiful stories of prayer, submitted by members and friends of the Lutherans Connect community. We will see how those among us have turned to prayer in good and bad times — finding both challenges and blessings on that path.

In addition, and reflecting on the current climate emergency, we will reflect on what it means to be living in God’s creation when that creation is increasingly at risk, endangered and on the verge of irreversible change. How can the new creation promised by the birth of Jesus inspire us to make changes in our own lives today? How can we calm our anxious hearts while simultaneously acting to build that renewed world?

Join us from December 1st to December 24th and find out. And may God bless you and give you peace on your Advent journey.

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Lutherans Connect / Lutheran Campus Ministry Toronto.
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